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(410) 627-6563
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3/3/2025 3:46 PM
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Message From: (Private) November 25, 2009
hope all the anoimals have a great thanksgiving God Bless you And All the animals

Message From: Roni March 14, 2009
Thanks so much for suggesting we get Penny as a friend for Frito. They get along so well and are best of friends. I can't imagine my home without them. Thanks again.

Message From: Sue & Jackie September 3, 2008
Just wanted to say hi - especially to Betsy - thought you would want to know that Daisy and Izzy are just wonderful. Daisy loves long walks and riding in my Jeep. She also likes to sleep in. She is a bed hog and we love her dearly. She is very smart and well behaved. Izzy loves to play, loves to chase butterflies and loves to be loved. They are the best of friends and we could not imagine having one without the other. Hope all is well with all of you.

Message From: Barbara & Robert Kelly May 6, 2008
We adopted Graham almost a year ago. He's doing just great. He's a very good watch dog. He's very lovable & affectionate. Thinks he's a small dog.

Message From: Peggy & David Hornick January 15, 2008
Hello, we adopted Petey (now called Prince) on Jan 12. He is slowly getting used to his new home. He is very friendly with our poodles Tia & Chloe and our cat, Buddy. He needs assurance and love in order to feel comfortable. We will keep in touch.

Message From: nick from petco January 13, 2008
I love all the dogs you bring and I trying to get my frinds to help me get people to come and donate stuff from the wish list!!

Message From: Wendy December 5, 2007
Dillon is one in a million! We recently celebrated our one year anniversary together and wouldn't change a thing. He's loveable, smart, sweet and a great addition to our family. Thanks for the great work you do.

Message From: CLARE September 4, 2007
We adopted our Casey Boy last year and want you all to know what an incredible love he is!! He is seriously the son I never had!! My girls (2 and 5) just adore him and play/hug/sleep/pretty much everything with him ALL the time..he would love to find his sister Sophie(she was adopted first). We would love to know how she is doing!!Anyway, we love you all soooo much, thank you for bringing our lives incredible joy and love. The Watts Family xxxooo

Message From: William T. Hill January 28, 2007
I adopted Yoda(now Jada) in April of 2005. The best investment that I could have made. I have never been a cat person, Jada has changed that. She loves to wake me each morning with a few licks..silly but my loveable friend. Very glad that I checked the Pet Rescue website.

Message From: (Private) January 23, 2007
Just wanted to let you know that Dundee (now Phoenix) is doing great. He is fully house trained, sits, stays, gives paw, and loves to run and play. He is a terrific dog and really smart.