My name is Honeysuckle. I am a creamy orange tabby kitten with soft, round paws and big, inquisitive eyes. My world is full of curiosities and I mean to figure them out! I love to announce my presence, my thoughts and desires.
Admittedly, many of them revolve around eating, playing with toys and wanting precious, loving cuddles. I enjoy energetic play with other kittens but I also know how to amuse myself with the wonders all around me.
Words that best describe me: curious, independent, playful, talkative
Best home environment: could go either way - with or without other kittens for company
**Please Note: We are only able to adopt within 30-40 miles of Baltimore, MD. For more information on our adoption policies and procedures, please go to
About Honeysuckle |
- Status: Adopted!
- Species: Cat
- Color: Orange
- Current Age: 8 Years 11 Months (best estimate)
- Declawed: No
- Housetrained: Yes